Welcome to Homes 3.0
Once upon a time, there was a home. Measured in BHKs and square units, homes were all bricks and no soul. Then Bhartiya Construction came along, making not just a home, but a city. And not just any city. A city built by the smartest, for the smartest. There’s a lot of thinking that’s gone into creating this big, little city. It’s taken one vision, many years and as many teams of master planners, architects and designers to bring it to life.
If you think that’s just a catchphrase, consider this. At Bhartiya City, a two year old can walk unaided to playschool. Lamps double up as Wi-Fi hotspots. And vertical gardens form fertile ground for fresh produce and friendships. Here, all conventions are questioned, analyzed and turned on their heads. For further proof, just look up. You’ll find a city within a city. A rooftop city. It has a Sky Park, a Sunrise Point, shops, cafes and even a private cinema for private screenings. Can’t step out? Download an app and order anything with a touch and a swipe. True story. Once upon a time, there was a home.
Now there’s Home 3.0 .
Welcome to Nikoo Homes II by Bhartiya City.