In continuation of its successful support of the TCS 10K and cycling events, the Bhartiya City Open 5K run, debuted on Sunday, August 3rd. Part of the Puma Urban Stampede event, this specific Bhartiya city run was flagged-off by G Raghavan, CEO Bhartiya City at 6am on that pleasant Sunday morning. The run had a route that started in Bhartiya City and covered tracks around the Bhartiya City.
Aimed at encouraging social running, the event welcomed both seasoned runners as well as beginners. The Bhartiya City Open 5K run celebrates health, happiness and individuality.
Men’s Best Timing- Winners of 5K open
1. Guillaume Bay – 17:53 min
2. Rajiv Gandhi D – 18:07 min
3. Vigneshwaran J – 19:24 min
Women’s Best Timing- Winners of 5K open
1. Lakshmi Nair – 26:31 min
2. Urmila Deb – 27:06 min
3. Emily Comyn – 27:29 min
Commenting on Bhartiya City’s participation, G Raghavan, CEO Bhartiya City said “It was a fantastic sight to see so many runners taking part this year from regular runners to complete beginners. This event is a great way to encourage people to take the first step towards getting fit enough to run. It adds a sense of fun and camaraderie amongst friends, families and work colleagues.”
Other races on the day included the 10km X 2 Open Challenge and 5km X 4 Corporate Relay organised by Runners For Life as part of Puma Urban Stampede Bangalore 2014